Lo spazio: my new little studio in Düsseldorf

Of course, I came to Germany with the desire to find a little studio that is suitable for my mosaic work as soon as possible. Maybe some space shared with other creatives. How I found this room now is one of these events, which let me think about chance and coincidence. And which make me very very happy.

During a walk along the Rhine with a good friend of mine, we arrived at the various chisellers’ buildings near the cemetary here in Düsseldorf. Marble and heavy machinery – of course I threw a few curious looks over the fences. And learned something new: that behind these fences also creative classes are offered. Glas fusing, restoring of furniture and much more.

Where stone workers and creative people meet

So much said the sign of Bildungswerk Nordrhein outside. Full of excitement, I opened the gate and hit the 2nd Chairman Thomas Prior, an architect, and told him my story: How I went to Italy for the mosaic formation and that I now want to give mosaic courses and am also seeking for my own workplace. “Seems you have stepped into the right door,” he said smiling, obviously very interested in the matter mosaic and a possible cooperation.

Without further ado, he led me through the educational institute, where stonemasons are still trained. During the tour, I could hardly believe my eyes: large spaces with workbenches, clay ovens, all kinds of tools and machines for working stone and wood on around 700 square meters. Even a well-known Düsseldorf sculptor, Till Hausmann, works here. Watch him as he works his wood with the chain saw as if it were a file is already inspiration enough for a whole afternoon.

Not far from here I used to live before I went to Italy and have never seen this creative center. Now I had my eyes open for it, and I certainly couldn’t find a better place to make mosaic in Düsseldorf. I am very lucky: after a few conversations with the board I have now the opportunity to work here and offer courses on behalf of Bildungswerk Nordrhein.

Small but cosy: lo spazio

My little space that I have baptized lo spazio (Ital. for room, space, cosmos) was formerly a sort of control room. Here sat the examiner when the students worked. Through the window he could look directly into the workrooms and had authority over the entire electrical system.

Slightly dusty and crammed was the room before we freed him from old furniture and tools. Now it shines in a new light, and I’m really looking forward to pack my materials in the beautiful old cabinets and install myself with my ceppo.

By the way: while cleaning the room, I found a book with the curly Corcos lady on its cover. Who has been following this blog for a longer time may remember that my very first mosaic portrait was based on that painting. Crazy world.

Soon you can read more news about my projects and courses here. Stay tuned!

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  1. “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe” Saint Augustin
    It seems you’re on the right path Miriam, go on having faith in the universe, everything is possible, we just have to dream it with love : )

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